- Chiuso, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A; Schenato, L; Zampieri, S.: Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex Systems Springer UCS Series. ISBN 978-3-642-03198-4, (2009)
- Fortuna, L; Graziani, S; Rizzo, A; Xibilia, M: Soft Sensors for Monitoring and Control of Industrial Processes Springer UCS Series. ISBN 978-3-642-03198-4, (2006)
Papers on International Refereed Journals
- S Fiandrino, A Bizzotto, G Guzzetta, S Merler, F Baldo, E Valdano, A M Urdiales, A Bella, F Celino, L Zino, A Rizzo, Y Li, N Perra, C Gioannini, P Milano, et al.: Collaborative forecasting of influenza-like illness in Italy: the Influcast experience Epidemics, 50, (2025)
- L Calogero, M Pagone, F Cianflone, E Gandino, C Karam, A Rizzo: Neural Adaptive MPC with Online Metaheuristic Tuning for Power Management in Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, (2025)
- Sopegno, L.; Martini, S; Pedone, S; Fagiolini, A; Rutherford, MJ; Stefanovic, M; Rizzo, A; Livreri, P; Valavanis KP: An Advanced Hexacopter for Mars Exploration: Attitude Control and Autonomous Navigation IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, (2024): 1 - 14
- Martini, S; Valavanis, K.P; Stefanovic, M; Rutherford, MJ; Rizzo, A: Correction to the Euler Lagrange Multirotor Model with Euler Angles Generalized Coordinates Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 110, (2024)
- L Calogero, M Pagone, A Rizzo: Enhanced Quadratic Programming via Pseudo-Transient Continuation: An Application to Model Predictive Control IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, (2024): 1661 - 1666
- F Parino, L Zino, A Rizzo: Optimal Control of Endemic Epidemic Diseases With Behavioral Response IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, (2024)
- U Montanaro, C Chen, A Rizzo, A Sorniotti: Output‐based enhanced closed‐loop model reference adaptive control and its application to direct yaw moment control International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 34 (14), (2024): 9471 - 9500
- Gu, W; Primatesta, S; Rizzo, A: Physics-informed Neural Network for Quadrotor Dynamical Modeling Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 171, (2024)
- D Bianchi, G Campinoti, C Comitini, C Laschi, A Rizzo, A M Sabatini, E Falotico: SoftSling: A Soft Robotic Arm Control Strategy to Throw Objects With Circular Run-Ups IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (2024)
- Z Ding, P Soccio, M Indri, A Rizzo: Through hole-cutting conic posture optimization for a redundant 3D laser cutting machine The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 132 (1), (2024): 443 - 461
- Galati, G; Primatesta, S; Rizzo, A: Auction-Based Task Allocation and Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Systems with Human Supervision Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 109, (2023)
- Calafiore, G C; Parino, F; Zino, L; Rizzo, A: Dynamic Planning of a Two-Dose Vaccination Campaign with Uncertain Supplies European Journal of Operation Research, 304, (2023)
- Truszkowska, A; Zino, L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Z-P; Rizzo, A; Porfiri M: Exploring a COVID-19 Endemic Scenario: High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling of Multiple Variants Advanced Theory and Simulations, 6, (2023)
- Possieri, C; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Reachability analysis in stochastic directed graphs by reinforcement learning IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68, (2023)
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri M: The Impact of Deniers on Epidemics: A Temporal Network Model IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, (2023)
- Pfeiffer, S; Munaro, V; Li, S; Rizzo, A; de Croon, G C H E: Three-dimensional relative localization and synchronized movement with wireless ranging Swarm Intelligence, 17, (2023)
- Frieswijk, K; Zino, L; Ye, M; Rizzo, A; Cao, M: A Mean-Field Analysis of a Network Behavioral–Epidemic Model IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, (2022): 2533 - 2538
- Burbano Lombana, D A; Zino, L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Z P; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Activity-driven network modeling and control of the spread of two concurrent epidemic strains Appl Netw Sci, 7(66), (2022)
- Centurelli, A; Arleo, L; Rizzo, A; Tolu, S; Laschi, C; Falotico, E: Closed-loop Dynamic Control of a Soft Manipulator using Deep Reinforcement Learning IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (2022)
- Aiello, G; Valavanis, K P; Rizzo, A: Fixed-Wing UAV Energy Efficient 3D Path Planning in Cluttered Environments Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 105(3), (2022): 1 - 13
- Galati, G; Primatesta, S; Grammatico, S; Macrì S; Rizzo, A: Game theoretical trajectory planning enhances social acceptability of robots by humans Scientific Reports, 12, (2022)
- Truszkowska, A; Zino, L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Z-P; Rizzo, A; Porfiri M: Predicting the Effects of Waning Vaccine Immunity Against COVID-19 through High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling Advanced Theory and Simulations, (2022)
- Ghosh, D; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A; Majhi, S; Rakshit, S; Alfaro-Bittner, K; Boccaletti, S: The synchronized dynamics of time-varying networks Physics Reports, 949, (2022): 1 - 63
- Truszkowska, A; Fayed, M; Wei, S; Zino L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Z P; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Urban Determinants of COVID-19 Spread: a Comparative Study across Three Cities in New York State J Urban Health, (2022)
- Parino, F; Zino, L; Calafiore, G C; Rizzo, A: A model predictive control approach to optimally devise a two-dose vaccination rollout: A case study on COVID-19 in Italy International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (2021)
- Surano, F V; Porfiri, M; Rizzo, A: Analysis of lockdown perception in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic European Physical Journal Special Topics, (2021): 1 - 9
- Truszkowska, A; Thakore, M; Zino, L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Z P; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Designing the Safe Reopening of US Towns Through High-Resolution Agent-Based Modeling Advanced theory and simulations, 4(9), (2021): 2100157
- Ye, M; Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Cao, M: Game-theoretic modeling of collective decision making during epidemics Physical Review E, 104(2), (2021): 24314
- Turco, E; Bo, V; Pozzi, M; Rizzo, A; Prattichizzo, D: Grasp planning with a soft reconfigurable gripper exploiting embedded and environmental constraints IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(3), (2021): 5215 - 5222
- Truszkowska, A; Behring, B; Hasanyan, J; Zino, L; Butail, S; Caroppo, E; Jiang, Z P; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: High-resolution agent-based modeling of COVID-19 spreading in a small town Advanced Theory and Simulations, 4, (2021): 2000277
- Behring, B; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: How adherence to public health measures shapes epidemic spreading: a temporal network model Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(4), (2021): 43115
- Parino, F; Zino, L; Porfiri, M; Rizzo, A: Modelling and predicting the effect of social distancing and travel restrictions on COVID-19 spreading Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(175), (2021): 20200875
- Primatesta, S; Osman, A; Rizzo, A: MP-RRT#: a Model Predictive Sampling-based Motion Planning Algorithm for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 103(59), (2021)
- Bongiorno, C; Zhou, Y; Kryven, M; Theurel, D; Rizzo, A; Santi, P; Tenenbaum, J; Ratti, C: Vector-based pedestrian navigation in cities Nature Computational Science, 1, (2021): 678 - 685
- Barak V, Roni; Rizzo, A; Nov, O; Porfiri, M: A 3D printing approach toward targeted intervention in telerehabilitation Scientific Reports, 10, (2020): 58377 - 58391
- Nadini, M.; Zino, L.; Rizzo, A.; Porfiri, M.: A multi-agent model to study epidemic spreading and vaccination strategies in an urban-like environment Applied Network Science, 5, (2020): 1103 - 1108
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Analysis and control of epidemics in temporal networks with self-excitement and behavioral changes European Journal Of Control, 54, (2020): 1 - 11
- Hasanyan, J; Zino, L; Truszkowska, A; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Analysis of the Heterogeneous Vectorial Network Model of Collective Motion IEEE Control Systems Letters, 5, (2020): 1103 - 1108
- Nadini, M; Richmond, S; Huang, Jy; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Design and Feasibility Study of the Mobile Application StopTheSpread IEEE Access, 8, (2020): 172105 - 172122
- Nadini, M; Bongiorno, C; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Detecting network backbones against time variations in node properties Nonlinear Dynamics, 99, (2020): 855 - 878
- Primatesta, S; Rizzo, A; la Cour-Harbo, A: Ground Risk Map for Unmanned Aircraft in Urban Environments Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 97, (2020): 489 - 509
- Hasanyan, J; Zino, L; Alberto Burbano Lombana, D; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Leader–follower consensus on activity-driven networks Proceedings of The Royal Society Of London. Series A, 476, (2020): 2628 - 2633
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: On assessing control actions for epidemic models on temporal networks IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4, (2020): 797 - 802
- Nadini, M; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Reconstructing irreducible links in temporal networks: which tool to choose depends on the network size Journal Of Physics: Complexity, 1, (2020): 797 - 802
- Calafiore, G C; Ghirardi, M; Rizzo, A: Robust dynamic traffic assignment for single destination networks under demand and capacity uncertainty Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24, (2020): 331 - 351
- Castrogiovanni, P; Fadda, E; Perboli, G; Rizzo, A: Smartphone Data Classification Technique for Detecting the Usage of Public or Private Transportation Modes IEEE Access, 8, (2020): 58377 - 58391
- Gu, W.; Valavanis, K. P.; Rutherford, M. J.; Rizzo, A.: UAV Model-based Flight Control with Artificial Neural Networks: A Survey Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 100, (2020): 1469 - 1491
- Bongiorno, C; Zino, L; Rizzo, A: A novel framework for community modeling and characterization in directed temporal networks Applied Network Science, 4, (2019): 2 - 2
- Primatesta, Stefano; Guglieri, Giorgio; Rizzo, Alessandro: A Risk-Aware Path Planning Strategy for UAVs in Urban Environments Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 95, (2019): 629 - 643
- Calafiore, G C; Bongiorno, C; Rizzo, A: A robust MPC approach for the rebalancing of mobility on demand systems Control Engineering Practice, 90, (2019): 169 - 181
- Surano, F V; Bongiorno, C; Zino, L; Porfiri, M; Rizzo, A: Backbone reconstruction in temporal networks from epidemic data Physical Review E, 100 (4), (2019): 122041 - 122051
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Consensus over Activity Driven Networks IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 7 (2), (2019): 866 - 877
- Franchi, A; Petitti, A; Rizzo, A: Distributed Estimation of State and Parameters in Multiagent Cooperative Load Manipulation IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 6, (2019): 690 - 701
- Su, H; Yang, C; Mdeihly, H; Rizzo, A; Ferrigno, G; De Momi, E: Neural Network Enhanced Robot Tool Identification and Calibration for Bilateral Teleoperation IEEE Access, 7, (2019): 122041 - 122051
- Nadini, M; Sun, K; Ubaldi, E; Starnini, M; Rizzo, A; Perra, N: Epidemic spreading in modular time-varying networks Scientific Reports, 8, (2018): 1 - 11
- Nadini, M; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Epidemic spreading in temporal and adaptive networks with static backbone IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 7, (2018): 549 - 561
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Modeling Memory Effects in Activity-Driven Networks SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 17, (2018): 2830 - 2854
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: An analytical framework for the study of epidemic models on activity driven networks Journal of Complex Networks, 5, (2017): 924 - 952
- Phamduy, P; Vasquez, M A; Kim, C; Mwaffo, V; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Design and characterization of a miniature free-swimming robotic fish based on multi-material 3D printing International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1, (2017): 209 - 223
- Rizzo, A; Pedalino, B; Porfiri, M: A network model for ebola spreading Journal of Theoretical Biology, 394, (2016): 212 - 222
- Giannini, S; Petitti, A; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A: Asynchronous max-consensus protocol with time delays: convergence results and applications IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems. I, Regular Papers, 63, (2016): 256 - 264
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Continuous-Time Discrete-Distribution Theory for Activity-Driven Networks Physical Review Letters, 117, (2016): 906 - 911
- Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Innovation diffusion in time-varying activity driven networks The European Physical Journal. B, Condensed Matter Physics, 89, (2016): 1 - 8
- Frasca M; Gallo L; Rizzo A; Fortuna L; Porfiri M: Dimensionality reduction in epidemic spreading models Europhysics Letters, 111, (2015): 1491 - 1500
- Di Paola D; Petitti A; Rizzo A: Distributed Kalman filtering via node selection in heterogeneous sensor networks International Journal of Systems Science, 46, (2015): 2572 - 2583
- Kopman V; Laut J; Acquaviva F; Rizzo A; Porfiri M: Dynamic Modeling of a Robotic Fish Propelled by a Compliant Tail IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 40, (2015): 209 - 221
- Rashid A T; Frasca M; Ali A A; Rizzo A; Fortuna L: Multi-robot localization and orientation estimation using robotic cluster matching algorithm Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 63, (2015): 108 - 121
- Buscarino, A; Frasca, M; Fortuna, L; Rizzo, A: Spatial pinning control of Vicsek’s Agents Cybernetics and Physics, 4, (2015): 71 - 77
- Rizzo A; Frasca M; Porfiri M: Effect of individual behavior on epidemic spreading in activity-driven networks Physical Review E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 90, (2014): 887 - 891
- Grieco, L A; Rizzo, A; Colucci, S; Sicari, S; Piro, G; Di Paola, D; Boggia, G: IoT-aided robotics applications: technological implications, target domains and open issues Computer Communications, 54, (2014): 32 - 47
- Buscarino A; Fortuna L; Frasca M; Rizzo A: Local and global epidemic outbreaks in populations moving in inhomogeneous environments Physical Review E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 90, (2014): 2572 - 2583
- Varga, R S; Rizzo, A: An application of nonnegative matrices to the synchronization of chaotic oscillators Linear Algebra an its Applications, 436, (2012): 265 - 275
- Rizzo, A: From Complex Systems to Complex Systems Technology and Return: A Tale of an Endless Loop IEEE Systems Journal, 6 (3), (2012): 479 - 480
- Dellino, G; Lino, P; Meloni, C; Rizzo, A; Bonomo, C; Fortuna, L; Giannone, P; Graziani, S: Simulation-Optimisation in Modelling Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites Actuators International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 17, (2012): 8 - 18
- Frasca M; Buscarino A; Rizzo A; Fortuna L: Spatial Pinning Control Physical Review Letters, 108, (2012): 24 - 27
- Dellino, G; Lino, P; Meloni, C; Rizzo, A: Kriging Metamodel Management in the Design Optimization of a CNG Injection System Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(8), (2009): 1491 - 1500
- Frasca, M; Buscarino, A; Rizzo, A; Fortuna, L; Boccaletti, S.: Synchronization of Moving Chaotic Agents Physical Review Letters, 100, (2008): 265 - 275
- Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Effects of Long-Range Connections in Distributed Control of Collective Motion International Journal Of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 17, (2007): 2411 - 2417
- Lino, P; Rizzo, A; Maione, B: Nonlinear Modelling and Control of a Common Rail Injection System for Diesel Engines Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31, (2007): 1770 - 1784
- Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Dynamical Network Interactions in Distributed Control of Robots Chaos, 16, (2006): 1491 - 1500
- Frasca, M; Buscarino, A; Rizzo, A; Fortuna, L; Boccaletti, S.: Dynamical Network Model of Infective Mobile Agents Physical Review E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 74, (2006): 2411 - 2417
- Bertalot, L; Esposito, B; Kaschuck, Y; Marocco, D; Riva, M; Rizzo, A; Skopintsev, D.: Fast digitizing techniques applied to scintillation detectors Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 150, (2006): 78 - 81
- Andriani, P; Conti, F; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Passiante, G; Rizzo, A: Innovation Systems by Nonlinear Networks Nonlinear Dynamics, 44, (2006): 263 - 268
- Arena, P; Castorina, S; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: An Integrated Chua’s Cell for the Implementation of a Chua’s Array International Journal Of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 14(1), (2004): 93 - 105
- Esposito, B; Kaschuck, Y; Rizzo, A; Bertalot, L; Pensa, A.: Digital Pulse Shape Discrimination in Organic Scintillators for Fusion Applications Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 518, (2004): 1491 - 1500
- Arena, P; Di Giamberardino, P; Fortuna, L; La Gala, F; Monaco, S; Muscato, G; Rizzo, A; Ronchini, R.: Toward a Mobile Autonomous Robotic System for Mars Exploration Planetary and Space Science, 52(1-3), (2004): 23 - 30
- Buceti, G; Centioli, C; Iannone, F; Panella, M; Rizzo, A; Vitale, V.: A rating system for post pulse data validation Fusion Engineering and Design, 66-68, (2003): 887 - 891
- Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Chaotic Pulse Position Modulation to Improve the Efficiency of Sonar Sensors IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation And Measurement, 52(6), (2003): 1809 - 1814
- Fortuna, L; Rizzo, A; Sinatra, M; Xibilia, Mg: Soft Analyzers for a Sulfur Recovery Unit Control Engineering Practice, 11(12), (2003): 1491 - 1500
- Rizzo, A; Xibilia, M G: An Innovative Intelligent System for Sensor Validation in Tokamak Machines IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10 (3), (2002): 421 - 431
Chapters in Books (International Publishers)
- Martini, S; Rizzo, A; Stefanovic, M; Livreri, P; Rutherford, MJ; Valavanis, KP: Koopman Operator Based Modeling and Control of Quadrotors in Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Optimal Guidance and Control for Autonomous Systems 2023, IUTAMBOOK, Springer Cham, ISBN: 978-3-031-39303-7 (2024): 253 - 266
- Zino, L; Barzel, B; Rizzo, A: Network Science and Automation in Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-96729-1 (2023): 251 - 274
- Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Toward a Realistic Modeling of Epidemic Spreading with Activity Driven Networks in N. Masuda and P. Holme: “Temporal Network Epidemiology”, Springer Series in Theoretical Biology, ISBN 978-981-10-5286-6 (2017): 317 - 342
- Rizzo, A: Soft Sensors and Artificial Intelligence with Applications to Nuclear Fusion Experiments in From physics to control through an emergent view, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-4313-14-8 (2010): 1809 - 1814
- Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: From Animal Collectives and Complex Networks to Decentralized Motion Control Strategies in S. Boccaletti, V. Latora and Y. Moreno, Handbook on Biological Networks, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems, World Scientific, ISBN 978-981-283-879-7 (2009): 191 - 197
- Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Synchronization in Networks of Mobile Agents in A. Chiuso, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, A. Rizzo, L. Schenato, S. Zampieri (eds.), Modelling, Estimation and Control of Networked Complex Systems. Springer UCS Series. ISBN 978-3-642-03198-4 (2009): 3 - 25
- Daloia, G; Lino, P; Maione, B; Rizzo, A: Modeling of Motor Neuronal Structures via Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in J. Filipe et al. (Eds.), Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics II, Springer, ISBN-13 978-1-4020-5625-3 (2007): 191 - 197
Proceedings/Abstracts/Posters in International Conferences
- S Martini, S M Mennea, M Mihalkov, A Rizzo, K Valavanis, A Sorniotti, U Montanaro: Design and HIL Testing of Enhanced MRAC Algorithms to Improve Tracking Performance of LQ-strategies for Quadrotor UAVs , (2024)
- S Martini, KP Valavanis, M Stefanovic, A Rizzo, MJ Rutherford: Koopman-Based Reduced Order Controller Design for Quadrotors 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2024)
- W Gu, A Rizzo: Online Residual Learning Using Interpretable Reservoir Computing for Quadrotor Control 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2024)
- Z Ding, M Indri, A Rizzo, P Soccio: Smooth and collision-free trajectory planning for redundant 3D laser cutting machines , (2024)
- A Fusco, V Modugno, D Kanoulas, A Rizzo, M Cognetti: Transformer-Based Prediction of Human Motions and Contact Forces for Physical Human-Robot Interaction 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (2024)
- C Venezia, A Rizzo, S Pennisi: 15 nA CMOS Analog Voltage Buffer Insensitive to PVT Variations 2023 18th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), (2023)
- Martini, S; Stefanovic, M; Rizzo, A; Rutherford, MJ; Livreri, P; Valavanis KP: A Benchmark Framework for Testing, Evaluation, and Comparison of Quadrotor Linear and Nonlinear Controllers 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2023)
- Rinaldi, M; Primatesta, S; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: Multi-Auctioneer Market-based Task Scheduling for Persistent Drone Delivery 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2023)
- L Zino, M Ye, A Rizzo, GC Calafiore: On Adaptive-Gain Control of Replicator Dynamics in Population Games 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2023)
- Rinaldi, M; Primatesta, S; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: Auction-based Task Allocation for Safe and Energy Efficient UAS Parcel Transportation 11th International Conference on Air Transport, (2022)
- Martini, S; Sönmez, S; Rizzo, A; Stefanovic, M; Rutherford, MJ; Valavanis KP: Euler-Lagrange Modeling and Control of Quadrotor UAV with Aerodynamic Compensation 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2022)
- Zino, L; Tortasso, E; Ye, M; Cao, M; Rizzo, A: Game-theoretic model for human decision-making during epidemics: Application and validation on COVID-19 in Italy Netsci-X 2022: International School and Conference on Network Science (Abstract), (2022)
- Aiello, G; Valavanis KP; Rizzo A: 3D Real-Time Energy Effcient Path Planning for a Fleet of Fixed-Wing UAVs 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2021)
- Kedilioglu, O; Bocco, T.M; Landesberger, M; Rizzo, A; Franke, J: ArUcoE: Enhanced ArUco Marker 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), (2021)
- Centurelli, A; Rizzo, A; Tolu, S; Falotico, E: Open-loop Model-free Dynamic Control of a Soft Manipulator for Tracking Tasks 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), (2021)
- Allasia, G; Rizzo, A; Valavanis KP: Quadrotor UAV 3D Path Planning with Optical-Flow-based Obstacle Avoidance 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2021)
- Primatesta, S; Scanavino, M; Lorenzini, A; Polia, F; Stabile, E; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Cloud-based Vehicle Collision Avoidance Strategy for Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) in Urban Areas Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, (2020)
- Primatesta, S; Scanavino, M; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Risk-based Path Planning Strategy to Compute Optimum Risk Path for Unmanned Aircraft Systems over Populated Areas Proceedings of International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2020)
- Gu, W; Hu, D; Cheng, L; Cao, Y; Rizzo, A; Valavanis, K: Autonomous wind turbine inspection using a quadrotor 2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2020)
- Primatesta, S; Bloise, N; Antonini, R; Fici, GP; Gaspardone, M; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Cloud-based Framework for Intelligent Navigation and Coordination for UASs in Urban Areas Proceedings of International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019, (2019)
- Petitti, A; Milella, A; Rizzo, A: A distributed strategy to detect when to stop the continuous-time average consensus protocol 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), (2019)
- Possieri, C; Rizzo, A: A mathematical framework for modeling propagation of infectious diseases with mobile individuals Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2019)
- Gu, W; Valavanis, K; Rutherford, M; Rizzo, A: A Survey of Artificial Neural Networks with Model-based Control Techniques for Flight Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2019 International conference on unmanned aircraft Systems (ICUAS), (2019)
- Bloise, N; Primatesta, S; Antonini, R; Fici, GP; Gaspardone, M; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Survey of Unmanned Aircraft System Technologies to enable Safe Operations in Urban Areas Proceedings of International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2019, (2019)
- Gu, W; Carlos-Perez, M; Capello, E; Rizzo, A: An Integrated Control Architecture for a Cloud-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System with Lossy Networks 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), (2019)
- Carlos, P M; Colangelo, L; Pardo, J; Rizzo, A; Novara, C: Asynchronous Multi-rate Sampled-data Control: an Embedded Model Control Perspective Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2019)
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Effect of self-excitement and behavioral factors on epidemics on activity driven networks 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC), (2019)
- Zino, L; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: On consensus over heterogeneous temporal networks The 8th International Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications (Abstract), (2019)
- Calafiore, G; Bongiorno, C; Rizzo, A: A Control-Oriented Model for Mobility on Demand Systems Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (2018)
- Perez-Montenegro, C; Scanavino, M; Bloise, N; Capello, E; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Mission Coordinator Approach for a Fleet of UAVs in Urban Scenarios Transportation Research Procedia, (2018)
- Primatesta, S; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Risk-aware Path Planning Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS (ICUAS), (2018)
- Bongiorno, C; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: An information-theoretic approach to study activity driven networks Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2018, (2018)
- Primatesta, S; Spano' Cuomo, L; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: An Innovative Algorithm to Estimate Risk Optimum Path for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Urban Environments Special Issue: INAIR 2018, Aviation on the growth path, (2018)
- Bongiorno, C; Zino, L; Rizzo, A: On Community Detection in Acivity-Driven Networks NetSci2018 - International School and Conference on Network Science - Abstracts, (2018)
- Bongiorno, C; Zino, L; Rizzo, A: On Unveiling the Community Structure of Temporal Networks 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2018)
- Bongiorno, C; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Transfer entropy reveals strong ties in temporal social networks NetSci2018 - International School and Conference on Network Science - Abstracts, (2018)
- Primatesta, S; Capello, E; Roberto, A; Marco, G; Guglieri, G; Rizzo, A: A Cloud-based Framework for Risk-aware Intelligent Navigation in Urban Environments ICUAS 17 - The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, (2017)
- Zino, L.; Porfiri, M.; Rizzo, A.: A Continuous-Time Discrete-Distribution Theory for Activity-Driven Networks Netsci-X 2017 - International School and Conference on Network Science - Abstracts, (2017)
- Calafiore, G C; Portigliotti, F.; Rizzo, A; Novara, C: A flow optimization approach for the rebalancing of mobility on demand systems Proceedings 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (2017)
- Calafiore, G C; Portigliotti, F.; Rizzo, A: A Network Model for an Urban Bike Sharing System Proceedings 20th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control, (2017)
- Porfiri, M.; Rizzo, A.: An Activity Driven Network Model for Ebola Spreading NetSci-X International School and Conference on Network Science - Abstracts, (2017)
- Zino, L; Porfiri, M; Rizzo, A: A Continuous-Time Discrete-Distribution Theory for Activity-Driven Networks The 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks & Their Applications - Book of Abstracts, (2016)
- Petitti, A; Franchi, A; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A: Decentralized Motion Control for Cooperative Manipulation with a Team of Networked Mobile Manipulators Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (2016)
- Phamduy, P.; Vasquez, M.; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M.: Miniature Underwater Robotic Fish for Animal-Robot Interaction Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, (2016)
- Franchi, A; Petitti, A; Rizzo, A; Di Paola, D: A Distributed Method for Estimating the Grasping and Inertial Parameters in Cooperative Manipulation Proceeding of Robotics: Science and Systems, (2015)
- Acquaviva F; Nunez Vicencio A; Di Paola D; Rizzo A; De Schutter B: Customer-Oriented Optimal Vehicle Assignment in Mobility-on-Demand Systems Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (2015)
- Franchi A; Petitti A; Rizzo A: Decentralized Parameter Estimation and Observation for Cooperative Mobile Manipulation of an Unknown Load using Noisy Measurements 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (2015)
- Acquaviva, F; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A: A novel formulation for the solution of load balancing problems in mobility-on-demand systems Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), (2014)
- Franchi, A; Petitti, A; Rizzo, A: Distributed Estimation of the Inertial Parameters of an Unknown Load via Multi-Robot Manipulation Decision an Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on, (2014)
- Giannini, S; Petitti, A; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A: Asynchronous consensus-based distributed target tracking Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2013)
- Kopman, V; Laut, J; Acquaviva, F; Rizzo, A; Porfiri, M: Dynamic modeling of a compliant tail-propelled robotic fish Proceedings of the 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, (2013)
- Giannini, S; Di Paola, D; Petitti, A; Rizzo, A: On the convergence of the max-consensus protocol with asynchronous updates Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2013)
- Giannini, S; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A: Coverage-Aware Distributed Target Tracking for Mobile Sensor Networks Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (2012)
- Di Paola, D; De Asmundis, R; Gasparri, A; Rizzo, A: Decentralized Topology Control for Robotic Networks with Limited Field of View Sensors Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, (2012)
- Petitti, A; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A; Cicirelli, G: Consensus-based Distributed Estimation for Target Tracking in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Proceedings of the 50th IEEEConference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, IEEE CDC-ECC2011, (2011)
- Petitti, A; Di Paola, D; Rizzo, A; Cicirelli, G: Distributed Target Tracking for Sensor Networks with Only Local Communication Proceedings of the 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, (2011)
- Rizzo, A; Varga R S; Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M: Synchronization and non-synchronization properties of directed networks with constant out-degree Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, (2011)
- Rizzo, A: Soft Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Fusion Applications Proceedings of MELECON2010, 15th Mediterranean Electromechanical Conference, (2010)
- Dellino, G; Lino, P; Meloni, C; Rizzo, A: Models for the Design and Optimization of CNG Injection Systems Proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2007), (2007)
- Bonomo, C; Dellino, G; Fortuna, L; Giannone, S; Graziani, S; Lino, P; Meloni, C; Rizzo, A: Optimization Issues in Modeling IPMC Devices Proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2007), (2007)
- Bucolo, M; Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Synchronization in a distributed system of moving chaotic agents Electronic library of the International Physics and Control Society (IPACS), (2007)
- Dellino, G; Lino, P; Meloni, C; Rizzo, A: Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Pressure Controller for CNG Injection Systems Proceedings of the IEEE CACSD 2006 International Conference, (2006)
- Dellino, G; Lino, P; Meloni, C; Rizzo, A: Multidisciplinary design optimization of a pressure controller for CNG injection systems Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on computer aided control system design, (2006)
- Lino, P; Maione, B; Rizzo, A: A Control-Oriented Model of a Common Rail Injection System for Diesel Engines Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 2005, (2005)
- Buscarino, A; Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Local and Long-Range Interactions for Distributed Control of a Group of Robots Proceedings of the CDC-ECC05, 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, (2005)
- D'Aloja, G; Lino, P; Maione, B; Rizzo, A: Nonlinear Modeling of Brain Motor Waves via Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, (2005)
- Arena, P; Basile, A; Fortuna, L; Mazzitelli, G; Rizzo, A; Zammataro, M.: CNN-Based Real-Time Video Detection of Plasma Instability in Nuclear Fusion Applications Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS2004, (2004)
- Arena, P; Branciforte, M; Caponetto, R; Rizzo, A; Peschiera, G.: An integrated approach for locomotion and visual control of a service hexapod via CNNs Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, (2001)
- Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Frequency Hysteresis Phenomena in the Switched Chua’s Circuit Proceedings of the ISCAS 2001, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (2001)
- Fortuna, L; Frasca, M; Rizzo, A: Generating Solitons in Lattices of Nonlinear Circuits Proceedings of the ISCAS 2001, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (2001)